Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Use a Pre-Paid Visa to shop Google Play Store Instead of your Actual Credit Card

If you're looking for a secure way to buys apps, music, books movies online with your Android Nexus, Galaxy or anything else that uses Google Play Store, the best method to ensure your credit card doesn't get compromised is to buy a pre paid Visa Gifcard at your local grocery store.

Just a few quick things you'll need to do first before purchasing anything in Google Play Store or any online store for that matter:

•Make sure you login to the gift card's website and register your card with your full

•You will need to add your mailing address so that vendors can complete a transaction. If you don't - it will most likely be decilined as it appears it does not beolong to anyone.   This also helps with online stores that will deliver an actual product

•While not necessary - you can also attach your gift credit card to your google wallet.  Login to  and sign in with your google account - assuming its the same one you used to register any tablet/phone devices.  Doing this allows almost seemless shopping in the Google Play Store.

Now your ready to grab that mp3 song you had Shazaam figure out,  and get reading in the digital age pouring over the electronic pages of  classics like Treasure Island!

Most importantly - if your gift credit card gets compromised - you are only out the cost of the card itself.

***SideBar -  use up your credit as quickly as possible as the card deducts a service fee each month until it gets to a $0.00 balance. A small price to pay for some added extra online financial security!

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