Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sepultura Brings The Energy

I got to Crocks late. The one time i plan on the head liner playing a long set list into the wee hours - they go all Cinderella and packed up at Midnight. However short my experience - it was pretty awesome.

Sepultura has played to literally - a 100 000 people in their hey day. Tonight they played to a couple 100 hardcore fans here in Thunder Bay. I had made my way to the bar after bumping into old high school friends who all had ear to ear grins on their faces. Not the cute cuddly type of grin - but the more sinister type of grin with the glint in their eye. You could feel the energy that this type of event generates as soon as you walked through the door.

If you haven't been to a loud metal show let me explain. Its mostly dudes. Young and old they come out of the wood work for these types of shows. They drink some booze and shake off the rust and head into the pit. The music is loud and very rhythmic. The crowd jumps in unison and a wave of people literally washes up around the stage. It is a rough sea - but there's a sense of brotherly love as everyone pushs and shoves each other with a sense of community.

The band aggressively assaults the venue with their particular style of hard core blistering guitars, kick you in the chest drums and the 'call to war' guttural yell of the singer. The band feeds off the energy of the crowd and the crowd in turn amps up the energy of venue. A symbiotic synergy is grown and the roof eventually comes off the joint.

Tonight was no exception. Sepultura with their giant of a front man whipped the crowd into a frenzy as he reached for the heavens and screamed like hell into the microphone. The 'pit' was churning and bodies where floating in the sea of people all night long. Fists pumped, heads banged and the sinister mischievous smiles of all in attendance were as bright as the flood lights that back lit the band in unison with the groove.

Damn - i wish i got there sooner and got my grin on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You gotta make time

My mind is full of possibilities. However there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. I am becomming a 'jack of all trades - master of none'.

There used to be a time when there was more time. Time flies when you're having fun they say, so i must be enjoying myself. But i can't help but feel preassured. Preassure that i'm not going to finish what i start because i'm trying to do too much.

Case in point. I'm trying to record an album. Its taking a awhile. I need to make time to fire up my gear and record guitar tracks. I know they need to be laid down - but its turned into work. Writing this statement down is very telling. If its turned to work than its not fun. I do enough work at work and at home. So do i want to make more work? I think so. I don't want this to be a failed effort. So i will record 1 session a week. That is my goal. If its a chord progession or even just a quick riff - i will finish this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer is Upon Us

A number of things are starting now that the weather is shaping up.

Gardening and yard work is in full affect. Gazeebo has been assembled for shading the abundance of sun in my backyard. Flower and garden boxes have been constructed. Once i get some fill i'll be able to plant my vegetable plants i've been growing indoors for the last 4 weeks.

Hockey playoffs are winding down with only 4 teams remaining. I picked the Bolts in a hockey pool and to my surprise they may win. Their 1 3 1 defensive system stymied the Bruins in game 1. Looking forward to game 2 to see if Boston has an answer for it. Based on the amount of Canadian content on the Bolts - they are my surrogate team (Leafs) for the playoffs. I didn't care for them when the Leafs matched up againsts them all season, but in the playoffs i think they have the best shot. I like Stevie Y too - i think he did a great job turning this team around in short time.

I can't be bothered to watch the otherside with the Sharks and Canucks. I only enjoy them beating up on each other as i don't particulary like any of the players (Heatley, Bieksa, Sedins, Wellwood, etc etc). The only player i have any interest in is Big Joe. I hope for his sake they make it to the finals. That's one hell of a monkey on his back. So Tampa San Jose i guess.

Sailing season is upon on us. I've been guility of not helping this year with sanding and scrubbing of Straigh Jacket. Life is in the way in a big way. First sail is this weekend, and i hope against all odds i can make it out on the water. June will be here soon enough and i plan to be a regular at least for the Wednesday nite races. Just finished looking at some pics of the last season and i tell you nothing compares to the wind at your back and the view of the harbour from out on the 'sea'. If you happen to be looking out at the Sleeping Giant on a wednesday night in summer and see sailboats in the harbour - we be racing!

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