If you're familiar with South Park, you will understand why there's a random picture of the chip bag. Ahem.... Moving forward.
So Mike was able to record drums days before this session so that Ken and I could lay down some tracks last night. Our first foray into tracking for this project. Exciting stuff!
Ken only needed a few takes to get the acoustic guitar parts down. I needed a few extra to get the electric guitar bits laid down.
Due to some technical difficulties with an auto-envelope DOD pedal, I resorted to having to manually 'wha' the parts with a very stellar VOX wha. Up strum string attack instead of the traditional down strum really helped bring out the brightness I was seeking.
Bass was recorded last. Bizarre as per usual - its normally recorded after the drums. I was hesitant as I really didn't know what this song called for with respects to the bottom end. The vibe of the room was good and I accidentally on purpose started messing with notes within scale this song was written and came up with something I was pretty happy with. Was able to pull this off for all 3 sections of the song.
We'll shall see what magic Mike can we've with his mad pro tools skillz.