Saturday, December 1, 2018

Landscape Photography is Hard

What a challenge.  Getting up first thing in the morning to pack your gear and head out somewhere to get a shot of a sunrise.  All week I've been unlucky.  Even this morning - I was up early to go shoot a sunrise and what again was supposed to be 'expressive' was instead cloudy and moody.  Moody is good too, don't get me wrong.  I'm just bummed out that I've been trying all week to get a sunrise pic and figure out some ISO settings that have been plaguing me.

I made a video regardless after making the effort to go shoot something.  I bought some new video and photo editing software and my mission was two fold - sunrise and b roll footage.  I got a little from column B.  Tell me what you think below!

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Seasonal Patios

Dunlop St. Barrie, Ontario There's been some discussion about possibly making Red River Road one way in the Entertainment District t...