Monday, January 28, 2019

Winter Hiking and Editing Project

I had shot some great footage over the holiday of the water falls at Pigeon River. My good friend Darryl compiled an amazing cutting edge cinematic masterpiece with his drone footage which can be seen here.

I had recently watched a Peter McKinnon tutorial on how to create that vintage retro 8mm look and was inspired to try it myself.  There's a bit to it (watch Peter's video for the how) so I won't go over that.

I use a similar piece of editing software called PowerDirector.  It has many of the same features as Premiere and is way more friendly to the pocket book.  I always enjoy learning so it was a great experience taking Peter's tutorial and learning how to apply the steps in my software.

Here's the final product.  It's not anywhere near perfect but "Done is Better Then Perfect".  A motto I've subscribed to this past year learning my passion for photography.  Every project I try improves my work flow.  There's lots to learn so I'll just keep banging this stuff out.  I'll worry about diminishing returns when the time is right.

Be sure to follow my friends and their amazing work.  I'm always trying to learn something new from these masters.

Blair Wright - Instagram - @bmwphotoca
Darryl Lahteenmaa - Youtube -  Darryl Lahteenmaa
Music by Kage - Band camp -
Follow me on Instagram as well - @thunderbaylandscapes  and @at0mpub

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Jingle Drones

I am still beaming with overall joy and excitement.  A good friend of mine was visiting for the holidays and he brought his drone to the Bay!  I was so pumped to finally get an opportunity to fly one of these things.  I've been seeing amazing footage from our area over the last 2 years and have been nothing but awed and envious.   Here's my first ever footage from flying a Mavick Pro.   4K of vivid eye candy goodness.  Hope you like it!


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Seasonal Patios

Dunlop St. Barrie, Ontario There's been some discussion about possibly making Red River Road one way in the Entertainment District t...