Thursday, March 22, 2012

Love Living In Thunder Bay, Love Eating In Thunder Bay

Its by no means breaking news, but Thunder Bay has some damn fine dining establishments.  The Bay and Algoma district especially.  (Say it again - Bay and Algoma District).  There are more great places to eat in this block than any where else in the city.  (this bodes well for my previous suggestion of closing off bay street to create a piazza -  Bay St Piazza)

When i find something I like, the norm for me is to be addicted.  Chipolte unrwrap with Tofu with a side of WheatGrass.  The mix of roasted red peppers, bean sprouts, tofu and the vinaigrette is amazing.   And satiating. I am full when i eat this dish.  And with mostly greens, that's hard to accomplish.

Growing Season is very popular.  So if you're in a rush - avoid the lunch crowd.  If you've been before, you know it can get a bit crowded very quickly.  Regardless - its worth the wait.

I haven't had a 'juice' yet but noticed a lot or patrons with colourful beverage  in hand.  Can anyone make me a recommendation for my next visit?

1 comment:

  1. I like the Yin something, I believe it has pear in it & it's listed ABOVE the liver alive (I didn't love the liver alive)


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