Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Search for the Fall Colours

I headed out with my new to me GoPro in search of Fall Colours at the tree farm. More of an excuse really to try out my new gear and some Davinici Resolve Colour Grading.

I love the song and it just adds so much purpose to this otherwise 'meh' vlog of mine :) Music By: LEONELL CASSIO Night Sky (ft. Julia Mihevc)

Why Wasn't I Using My Bike This Summer to Explore???

I was eager to get out on my bike and had some setbacks. What it all worked out and I managed to try some methods I've been learning about in this project. I used 3 seperate cameras (Nikon D3100, Samsung S8 and a cheap 'gopro').

I especially wanted to shoot 'something' to test out a new color timing/grading application called 'Davicnci Resolve' that I've been learning about. This is my first use of it and it's getting me close to the look I want. I wish I had more time to really figure out the scopes and and color manipulation.

I went for the classic "Film Grade" look with a Kodak Lut and manipulated the color levels. I think it's pretty decent for a first attempt. I managed to figure out a decent workflow as well going back and forth between my main editor "Cyberlink PowerDirector" and "Resolve".

Hope you enjoy it!
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Don't Worry - I managed to use that 'B' Roll

A sunset on the rugged and serene Lake Superior. Beautiful in all it's raw untamed glory. I had my camera on me and shot a bunch of 'B' Roll of my good friend who was hunting for treasure. Music by Kage/The GrandView

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Dunlop St. Barrie, Ontario There's been some discussion about possibly making Red River Road one way in the Entertainment District t...